Welcome to PKMC

Because this group primarily made up of LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS and MILITARY VETERANS, whom have respect for the law and community. This logo was registered and trademarked as a symbol of the club's mission.

This groups colors, of a Marshall's badge, containing: a motorcycle with the scales of justice, mirror their love for motorcycling with the respect for the "LAW."

We will together continue to recruit and carry out this mission, with love for our fellow clubs with the same goals in mind.
Our History
The PEACEKEEPERS MC was founded in January 2004 by three (3) friends, who witnessed numerous accidents, some of which resulted in tragic deaths, due to stupidity and the careless attitudes of reckless and unlicensed riders. This group is made up of LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS and MILITARY VETERANS, who have respect for the law and community.
It was decided between this band of brothers, to find other riders who wished to share the same love of motorcycling and respect for the law. Once this brotherhood was formed they vowed to not only look out for each other, but to spread the idea of safety to others. They began supporting local motorcycle and social organizations with a plan to spread their wisdom to the local community organizations. In the process, a number of other organizations have supported and embraced our mission as their own. Through our HONOR, this small organization is a respected member of the Baltimore community.
This organization’s colors, of a Marshal’s badge, containing; a motorcycle with the scales of justice demonstrate the love for motorcycling with respect for the “LAW”. This logo was registered and trademarked as a symbol of the organization’s mission.
PKMC Ride Against Animal Cruelty
“I Do Not Own the Rights to This Music”